Careers at Bistech: Mike's training journey - Bistech

A custom-made career in sales.

The Bistech sales team consists of many trusted experts, and each area has a key part to play in forming and maintaining long-lasting relationships with customers. When joining, Mike’s training plan was designed with that in mind.

Beginning in Business Development (BDM), strengthening his skills in Sales Support, and rounding off as an Account Manager, Mike gained invaluable experience across the board and was set up for sales success.

Here, he tells us about his journey so far…

What was your first impression of sales at Bistech ? 

Bistech’s customer-centric approach aligned well with my previous experience because there’s a real focus on adding genuine value to the businesses we work with. We don’t just look at selling products; we find solutions. And everyone’s determined to nurture long-term strategic partnerships with like-minded companies built on credibility, integrity, and trust. Our core focus is to help drive our customers’ businesses forward.

So, how did the training plan work? 

The training pathway for an Account Manager has been carefully designed so you can learn how the whole sales team operates and be more effective in your specific role.

You start in the BDM team, where you’re scoping new business opportunities and establishing relationships with potential customers. You learn how to interact effectively with people over the phone, manage the powerbase, and use innovative sales techniques and methodologies. I developed loads of self-confidence during this process and gained knowledge about services and industries I previously had very little understanding of.

After several months in this role, I moved into the Sales Support team. Here, I secured my understanding of every department within Bistech and the part each plays in the sales process.

Transitioning into the role of Account Manager in this way had a positive impact on existing customers, as we’ve built strong relationships from the get-go. This means they know I’m someone they can trust to truly represent their interests and provide the Bistech expertise to their business.

How have you found your time at Bistech so far? 

It’s been brilliant! Throughout my time here, I’ve been given excellent training and support. You’re encouraged to spot gaps in your knowledge, and nobody minds if you ask for help. I’ve increasingly taken ownership of my professional development, learnt to manage my time, coordinated and collaborated with my team, and requested specific training in areas I needed a boost. It’s a really encouraging environment to learn and develop in.

Being at Bistech, I’ve gained invaluable experience in sales, and I feel confident and capable in my Account Management role.


If you, like Mike, are looking to be set up for success in sales — apply today 

And take a look at our @lifeatbistech Instagram to find out what being a member of the Bistech team looks like in day-to-day life. 

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