Shanly Group Case Study | Bistech

A new lease of life.

Initially founded in 1969 as Michael Shanly Homes, the Shanly Group now comprises four privately-owned businesses within the property industry — Shanly Homes, an award-winning regional housebuilder in the south east; Shanly Partnership Homes, offering quality shared ownership homes; Sorbon Estates, a regional commercial property owner, asset manager and developer; and Shanly Foundation, the group’s charitable arm which has donated over £25m to date. 

The challenge

In 2022, Shanly Group recognised that they needed to optimise their network and bring their systems up to date. Their inter-site connectivity had been overspecified for the needs of the business, and they needed to rationalise. 

The solution

Already Shanly’s trusted IT partner, Bistech was perfectly placed to deliver a connectivity refresh. Alongside this, they completed an IT assessment to identify any additional areas for consolidation. 

The benefits

The connectivity refresh ultimately achieved a connectivity saving of over 75%, and rationalising Shanly’s licencing made even more significant savings. 

Since then, the relationship has gone from strength to strength. When Shanly’s legacy on-premise telephone system was approaching end of life, Bistech worked closely with them to identify the most suitable product for their requirements, ultimately assisting the shift to a cloud-based 8×8 solution. Now having brought a lot of their services into one partner, Shanly’s setup has been simplified, making everything easier to manage. 

At a glance…

Cost control

Refreshing Shanly’s connectivity has achieved a saving of over 75%.

Reduced IT administration

Many services have been brought into one partner, simplifying the IT setup.

Specialist expertise

Bistech’s proven, in-depth breadth of knowledge has helped deliver their long-term strategy.