Hybrid working: is it the right strategy for you? - Bistech

As companies plan for the future post-coronavirus, some are considering a model that combines remote work and office time.

A year on from what was touted as ‘the world’s biggest remote working experiment’, we’ve all seen the business successes and challenges that came with the pandemic. Despite the initial scepticism, for many employees, productivity remained high and a better work-life balance was achieved. And businesses began to save costs on unused office space, highlighting the commercial benefits of longer-term remote working.

Yet on the flip side, there are concerns for employees’ mental wellbeing, missed training and recruitment opportunities and the impact on corporate culture — all crucial to business success. Looking ahead, combining the structure and sociability of the office with the flexibility and focus of remote working, a hybrid approach potentially offers the best of both worlds.

Navigating the next steps

So, with a roadmap out of lockdown laid out by the government, businesses are reviewing their working strategies to determine the right way forwards. And whether or not that means going hybrid, IT teams must reassess how to support a productive and agile workforce in the long term. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Address the fundamentals
    Day-to-day functions require secure and reliable connectivity — something our homes aren’t necessarily set up for. With cybercrime rapidly evolving, building a robust security plan alongside adequate network capabilities will give your employees secure, reliable and seamless access to information from any location.
  2. Provide the right tools
    From laptops and virtual desktops with IT-approved applications, to cloud-based collaboration tools — employees need the same user experience both remotely and in the office. This will empower a productive workforce from any location while firmly cementing business continuity plans.
  3. Meet customer and employee expectations
    To fulfil changing demands, it’s important to make the most of the technologies at our fingertips. For example, virtual meetings have become the default means of interaction, and it’s likely many businesses may prefer to continue interacting in this way. Similarly, for those choosing hybrid working, keeping collaboration digital will be important in creating a virtual environment for your employees to come together and in turn, boost team morale.
Adapting to change

Every business has specific operational requirements and goals, so of course, hybrid working won’t be right for all. It’s important to establish which is the best approach for your organisation — whether that’s fully remote, returning to the office, or a blend of the two.

Whichever your preference, integrating agile ways of working into your IT strategy will enable you to anticipate and adapt to shifting business demands, customer expectations and an unpredictable future. With the right IT strategy and business policies in place, businesses can benefit from better continuity and improved productivity, and have the resilience to thrive in the long term.

For more details on how to implement your hybrid working strategy, contact our expert team today on 03330 11 22 55.