Three ways an IT assessment can help optimise your business - Bistech

As the saying goes, “you can’t manage what you don’t measure”. So, when it comes to truly understanding the strengths and vulnerabilities of your current IT setup, its timely, detailed, and accurate analysis is essential.

IT environments develop continuously. Yet changes in IT resource, technologies and business direction can leave your organisation exposed to new and emerging security threats.

Over time, further problems such as performance gaps, redundancies, inefficiencies, and unintentional information silos can emerge. Eventually, it can be difficult to determine what is or isn’t working or even to know where to invest your resources. And IT teams often lack the strategic tools, resources or simply the time to step back and evaluate the whole picture.

This is where Bistech’s comprehensive IT Assessment and Discovery audit can help. Providing visibility and in-depth insight into your current IT setup, our independent assessment will help you identify opportunities for improvement and diagnose potential business threats.

  1. Identify risks
    Awareness of potential issues around security, data protection, availability and reliability is key to keeping your business running smoothly. And with widespread remote working, the threat of ‘Shadow IT’ is becoming ever more present. Our detailed analysis will identify both immediate and longer-term risks within your IT environment, so you can effectively prioritise and mitigate any weaknesses.
  2. Inform decision-making
    A Bistech IT assessment extends far beyond a simple inventory of your systems and devices. It will provide value-added intelligence and actionable insights, enabling you to make effective decisions about not only your security posture but also business efficiency, user experience, licensing and potential cost savings.
  3. Develop your IT roadmap
    To complete the picture, the findings of your IT assessment will provide the necessary analysis and insight to help create a strategic technology roadmap. Our technical experts will work with you to identify how your business goals can be met by specific technologies through both short-term and long-term initiatives across your organisation.
Routinely reassess

While an excellent tool for planning, it’s important to remember that your IT assessment is a snapshot in time. It provides the real picture just for today. To be most effective, you should regularly reassess your IT estate to identify small issues before they become major problems. This will save both time and money and ultimately protect your business.

We can help

Bistech’s extensive IT Assessment and Discovery process provides in-depth insight into your current IT setup. Employing a suite of industry-leading IT assessment tools, our consultative and expert team will use this information to deliver industry best practice recommendations and a roadmap perfectly aligned to your business strategy. To find out more call us on 03330 11 22 55.