The rise of XaaS: how ‘as a Service’ applications can protect your business - Bistech

The role of cloud applications in your cyber security strategy.

In today’s digital world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to stay ahead of the competition. As part of this, cloud applications delivered ‘as a Service’ such as Software as a Service (SaaS) and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) have seen widespread adoption, being leveraged for benefits such as streamlining operations and reducing costs. Additionally, companies are embracing XaaS (Anything as a Service) products to improve security and business continuity.

Applications consumed ‘as a Service’ can be accessed over the internet rather than being hosted on on-premise servers. Popular examples include Exchange Online, Salesforce and Microsoft Teams — and because they can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, they’re ideal for remote work and collaboration. However, while many of the features and advantages of cloud applications are already well publicised, one of the most compelling reasons to move towards XaaS is its security benefits. Here’s why…

XaaS and cyber security

XaaS providers take cyber security seriously, investing heavily in measures to protect their customers’ data. With teams of experts dedicated to cyber security and access to the latest tools and technologies, in many cases, they’re better equipped to secure your data than your own IT team. They also provide frequent automatic updates to their software which can address any vulnerabilities.

For example, on-premise Exchange servers suffered multiple zero-day security threats in 2022, requiring already-stretched IT teams to engage in time-consuming manual patching and potentially putting the business at risk. By comparison, Exchange Online customers receive regular automatic patches, requiring little manual input and freeing up IT resource for more strategic projects.

Additionally, XaaS providers typically have geo-redundant systems in place, which can help ensure your data is always available, protecting against outages or disasters that may affect one location — something that’s challenging and cost prohibitive to achieve with on-premise servers.

This comes back to the shared responsibility model of the cloud. When you build services in your own data centres, you’re entirely responsible for the security of those services. But when you use cloud services, you delegate some of this responsibility to a trusted cloud provider.

Laying the foundations

In the current threat landscape, IT teams are increasingly under pressure to keep company services secure while preventing data loss and improving business continuity. But before investing in tools such as Managed Extended Detection and Response, it’s vital to ensure the foundations are already in place.

Moving from on premise to XaaS can provide many benefits, especially when it comes to cyber security, and should be front of mind for any business. XaaS providers invest heavily in security and have teams of experts dedicated to protecting customer data. They typically have geo-redundant systems in place, comply with various security regulations, and provide technical support. By moving to XaaS, your company can ensure its data is secure — all while reducing workload and costs. This is where Bistech can help. To find out more, call us today on 03330 33 22 55.